OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Place a Nozzle

  1. Select Nozzle Manager from the Equipment ribbon.
  2. Select the equipment component.
  3. Define a Number, Type and Datum for the nozzle.
    Note: For the Type and Datum fields, select an option from the drop down list.
  4. Use the diagram displayed with the Nozzle Manager to help define positioning parameters.
    Note: The positioning parameters (which are defined alphabetically) are enabled according to the nozzle type. Some fields may be enabled for one nozzle type, but not for another.
  5. Enter values for the Specification and Nominal Size for the nozzle.
  6. Enter values for the System, Line and Insulation fields if required.
  7. Click Apply All Changes to place the nozzles.

    If more than one nozzle record exists in the database, the Spec Record Selection dialog displays.

  8. Select the desired nozzle from the list and click OK to place.
    Note: A green check mark will display in the State field when changes to a nozzle is applied to the model.
  9. Click Select Equipment to place nozzles on another equipment component, or close the Nozzle Manager if finished.